When you start an edible garden, and learn how to grow an abundance of fresh vegetables, fruit, and herbs, it’s a natural progression to start learning about food preserving and storage. That’s how I got started into preserving the harvest in 2009.

We started growing more and more of our own food, and I quickly realised that if I wanted to make the most of our lovely home grown fruit, veges, herbs and even eggs, I would need to find ways to handle the gluts.

Being able to preserve food has also helped us handle the challenge our dietary requirements of being Gluten Free and Low FODMAP. Such as, I can bottle my own sauces, salsas, relish and stock, and freeze low FODMAP curry pastes, without garlic and onion.

From starting with a Fowlers Vacola simple preserving unit, I have now tried and use all the common methods. I store pumpkins on the back patio table, or in a basket near the kitchen. I freeze vegetables and herbs, as it is quick and easy. I regularly use my dehydrator, for herbs, fruit, fruit leathers, ‘raw’ crackers and vege chips, and jerky. I do a lot of boiling water bath bottling, for high acid ingredients/ items, like pickled vegetables, relish and sauce, salsa etc. I use my pressure canner to bottle stock. I also lacto-ferment food like sauerkraut, kimchi and sour pickles.

So, to help you learn a bit more about food preserving, and to get you started, I have addressed some FAQ in the following Beginners Guide to Food Preserving. It can help you understand some essential information, and decide where you should start! Come on and get started on your journey…

Also, check out my free preserving labels to download and print.